Frequently asked questions

  • How much coffee comes in each box?

    Each box comes with three 100 gram bags of coffee (300g total per box). In each box you'll get about the same amount as a standard bag of specialty coffee. You can expect to brew about 12-15 cups of coffee per box.

  • When do you ship?

    We ship around the middle of each month.

  • When is the coffee roasted?

    The coffee is typically roasted within 1-2 weeks from when we ship out the boxes to you.

  • How do I manage my subscription?

    You can login to manage your subscription and see details on upcoming shipments. Feel free to reach out to us via chat or email to help with any questions you have.

  • Can I get the coffee weekly?

    For now, we're only offering monthly subscriptions. However, feel free to order multiple boxes. We don't want to be your only source of coffee. We hope you discover some roasters that you like and buy directly from them.

  • Do you ship internationally?

    We currently only ship within the United States.