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September 2024

What's in the box

What's in the box


Toronto, Canada

Mario Delgado

Producer: Mario Delgado

Origin: Buesaco, Nariño, Colombia

Varieties: Caturra

Process: Washed


Berkeley, California, USA

Kianyangi Murue AA

Producer: Murue Farmer Cooperative Society

Origin: Embu, Kenya

Varieties: SL-34, SL-28, Ruiru-11, Batian

Process: Double Washed


Boulder, Colorado, USA

Finca El HiguerĂłn

Producer: Fabiola Ortega and Julio Muñoz

Origin: Huila, Colombia

Varieties: Colombia

Process: Natural


Mario Delgado

These guys are rockstars. When we first tried some of the coffees Subtext was offering, we were immediately impressed with not only their expert level of roasting, roasting some of the cleanest lightly roasted coffee in North America, but also their green sourcing and some of the smaller, unique lots they were bringing on their portfolio. We definitely live in a day where a lot of roasters are sourcing from a lot of the same rockstar producers, which is awesome, but it is really cool to come across a roaster like Subtext that is featuring really small lots from producers we may not know quite as well. This Caturra from Maria Delgado is representative of the coffees we love from Subtext, a super clean, sweet, and vibrant coffee produced by a producer that we hadn’t been very familiar with, but now won’t forget!

Brew notes

This one needs some rest! It’s super light and vibrant, but with some rest it is going to become even more full and sweet. Longer ratios will probably aid in the delicacy of this coffee to compliment some of the higher acid tones.


Kianyangi Murue AA

A rising star amongst coffee enthusiasts is Hydrangea- a roaster who consistently sources a wide array of flavor profiles and processing methods for their portfolio. Often known for sourcing a bit more “out there” process forward coffees, this washed Kenyan coffee goes to show that even a classic profile like this can be represented really well by this roastery.

Brew notes

Though this coffee is light it’s relatively soluble! You can push brew temps up to boiling and run this one around a 1:17 ratio to expect a really sweet and juicy experience. If yours drains relatively quickly, you can always break your bigger pours up into smaller pulses- especially for a light, washed coffee like this one, you won’t run the risk of muddying up the cup too much.


Finca El HiguerĂłn

This roastery definitely speaks for itself. With one of the team members being Scott Rao, Prodigal flew into the spotlight in the specialty coffee industry at a rapid pace with high expectations, and they have lived up to the expectations with their expert roast quality- always very light but still very sweet, a really hard line to walk. This coffee from Finca El Higuerón blows us away- it’s a naturally processed coffee yet cups and drinks like a washed coffee, really soft and vibrant with tons of soft citrus notes.

Brew notes

This roastery definitely speaks for itself. With one of the team members being Scott Rao, Prodigal flew into the spotlight in the specialty coffee industry at a rapid pace with high expectations, and they have lived up to the expectations with their expert roast quality- always very light but still very sweet, a really hard line to walk. This coffee from Finca El Higuerón blows us away- it’s a naturally processed coffee yet cups and drinks like a washed coffee, really soft and vibrant with tons of soft citrus notes.